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Specialised Hardware to Extend Moore's Law
20 Nov 2022
As Moore’s Law continues to become less accurate, computer scientists have had to become more clever to satisfy the economy’s need for speed. One way this has happened is with the increased number of specialised hardware components.

At WIRED's Helm
21 Mar 2022
WIRED (officially the Faculty of Information Technology Society), is Monash University’s official IT club. I have lead this club for two years, and now that I have resigned I thought I would write about my experiences and lessons learned...

An Environmentalist Case for Complexity Theory
10 Mar 2022
Computational complexity theory is not the most popular topic of computer science undergrads, but if speed and memory efficiency are not enough to motivate you to learn about it, how about environmentalism?

Study Smart, Not Hard, with StudyStreaks
09 Mar 2022
Studying and staying motivated weren’t easy before, and now it is harder than ever with all the distractions of the home. Therefore, I thought I would walk you through some study advice that I have learned, and then built into my app...

The Story of Recall
23 Feb 2022
The first iOS app I created, Recall, is a tool for committing knowledge to long-term memory. Here is how it works and the story of its invention.

Data's Tragedy of the Commons
07 Feb 2022
Memory and storage virtualisation have created a problem in a world where computers have many processes competing for limited hardware resources. Since so many users don’t know (or are unable to know) how to check which processes are...

We Need a Quantum Query Language Now
01 Feb 2022
While quantum computers are still out of arms reach for practical applications, this is an important time to establish a standard format for querying quantum computers over the internet to get classical output. I will call this language...

Object-Oriented Programming - Plato’s Paradigm
30 Jan 2022
Plato’s Theory of Forms provides a great lens for thinking about Object-Oriented Programming, and I believe using this philosophical lens results in making better decisions when writing OOP code.

Proof by Induction
30 Jan 2022
Proof by induction allows us to prove things about infinite series. It is a necessary skill for computer programmers to prove that some code or algorithm does what it is supposed to do.

Colour Encoding Systems
30 Jan 2022
Here is everything you need to know about encoding colour as a programmer.
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